Make sure to follow the L2TP instructions. The aforementioned PDF has detailed instructions for connecting to your VPN from iPhone, Windows, and Mac OS X.Connecting to VPN from iPhone, Windows, or OS X You may need to enable VPN passthrough on your router and/or forward the following UDP ports to the VPN server: 500, 1701, 4500.You should never need to open it again, as its only purpose is to configure/enable vpnd. We can now check "Start server at boot time" if desired (this option uses the deprecated but functional /Library/StartupItems).Click "On" to enable the VPN server and enter your OS X user password when prompted.Our router in this example is, the subnet mask is, our primary DNS server is, and we'll use one of the OpenDNS servers for our secondary: the IP Address Range, choose a range of IP addresses in your LAN that you will reserve for VPN clients.

Enter a username, password, and shared secret.Click "No" when asked about downloading the new version.Copy iVPN.app to your Applications folder.Download iVPN-2.4b.zip and iVPN-Help-2.4b.pdf (the source code is also available: ).The domain name and IP addresses above are for example purposes only and will likely differ on your networks. Using this guide, visiting a link, downloading a program, in short, living, is done entirely at your own risk (and joy). Standard disclaimer applies, as always: You are 100% responsible for your own actions.
This guide outlines how to enable the built-in VPN service (vpnd) in client versions of OS X, as Apple has neglected to mention (let alone explain) the possibility under non-server editions of OS X. Enable VPN server in OS X for remote access via iPhone, Windows, and OS X clients / docs / Enable VPN server in OS X for remote access via iPhone, Windows, and OS X clients